E-Mail not found, but file exists.

Issue #1045 closed
Former user created an issue


I have an E-Mail with Date 28.01

physically the file is also on disk

but as auditor I can’t find it:

Any ideas, why?

Comments (14)

  1. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    sphinx query: 'SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE sent <= 1580338799 AND MATCH('') ORDER BY sent DESC LIMIT 0,20 OPTION max_matches=1000'

    So E-Mails from yesterday:

    'SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE sent >= 1580770800 AND sent <= 1580857199 AND MATCH('') ORDER BY sent DESC LIMIT 0,20 OPTION max_matches=1000' in 0.00 s, 20 hits, 289 total found

    EMails from 28.January:

    'SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE sent >= 1580166000 AND sent <= 1580338799 AND MATCH('') ORDER BY sent DESC LIMIT 0,20 OPTION max_matches=1000' in 0.00 s, 0 hits, 0 total found

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, then we need a little digging. Run the following sql query:

    select id, deleted from metadata where piler_id='400000…';

    You get an id and the deleted flag. Then connect to sphinx: mysql -h -P9306, and run

    select * from main1 where id=123;

    Be sure to use the proper 'piler_id' and the ‘id’ values.

  3. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    Where can be ‘piler_id’ found?

    Di You think, the message(s) are deleted? It was 6 or 7 messages (28.Jan) and only one, yesterday “deleted”. But I am still able to find the message and read it. In “WebGui”-> audit → column ‘action’ = remove message → klick on reference number.

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    See the filename on the image you attached. It’s a long hexa string 40000… ending with ‘.m’ That’s the piler_id without the ‘.m’ part.

  5. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    OK. First query result:

    | id | deleted |
    | 1 | 0 |

    Second query: no results (“Empty set”).

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, try the following. Assuming that pilerget is able to retrieve this message, try pilerget -i 400000….

    then as user piler run:

    cd /var/piler/imap; reindex -f 1 -t 1; /usr/local/libexec/piler/indexer.delta.sh

    Then check again on sphinx:

    select * from delta1 where id=1;

    You should get a row.

  7. Former user Account Deleted reporter


    invalid piler-id: -i

    then without ‘-i’ E-Mail was displayed.

    put 1 messages to sph_index table for reindexing

    | id | sent | size | attachments |
    | 1 | 1580223003 | 0 | 0 |

    Yes. E-Mail is now on the audit-list. Do you know what happened?

    I still miss 6 test-E-Mails. What should I do? First looking with “find . +mtime” and then “pilerget”, “reindex”?

  8. Janos SUTO repo owner

    If you don’t have several thousands of emails, then you may reindex everything with reindex -a. If you do have tons of messages, then you may reindex a specific range only.

    Also check if the crontab entries for piler are installed. Look inside util/postinstall.sh or etc/cron* for details what should be run from crontab.

  9. Former user Account Deleted reporter

    After ‘reindex -a’, all E-Mails back. Thank you.

    Crontab seems to be OK.

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