Archive mails

Issue #110 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hi i installed the archinve on local machine.If i send the mail through telenet from same archive server.the mail will not show after logging as user or admin please tell me how to archive the mails.

Comments (6)

  1. dominik_weinen

    I had the same problem. I checked my exchange config and observed every log file but I couldn´t find the problem. The crazy thing about that is that the mail.log file said that messages were stored.

    Then I noticed that sphinxsearch had no log file.

    So I edited the sphinx.conf file that sphinxsearch is able to write his logs. I decided to put the logfile into /var/log/sphixsearch/log.log

    I have no explanation why but after editing the sphinx.conf the searchbar is showing me my mails.

    Don´t know if it helps you...


  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Administrator accounts are for administering piler only, not for viewing emails. As an admin user, you may create an auditor account, and it will see any emails archived.

    I assume that the piler daemon receives and archives messages properly, and there's evidence in your maillogs.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Dominik, the sphinx logging is turned off intentionally, although you are free to turn it on. However the thing that there is or isn't sphinx logs shouldn't affect whether you can or cannot see the archived messages.

  4. Kanthanathan S

    Hi Anonymous/Dominik Weinen

    I am not sure whether I am right, but found this for myself.

    Mails are archived to archive server are shown only after some time, say about 5 to 15 Min. Does this have something to do with the cron job that is running every 15 Min. But a patient wait & search showed me the mails.

    Regards Kanthan

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Yes, that's exactly the case as you say.

    Dear anonymous, please write to the mailing list if you still have problems.

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