The 'Health page doesn't show anymore

Issue #1103 resolved
Jorge Gomes created an issue

I don’t know why, but the ‘health’ page isn’t showing anymore, although all the others are working.

Every time I select the ‘Health’ Tab or log in as admin@local, the page shown is the one referring to the ‘auditor’ mode.

I’ve upgraded the system today to version 1.3.9 and its a Centos 7 server, running all the latest updates.

What I’ve I changed for this to happen?

Any recommendations to fix it?

Thanks in advance.


Comments (3)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Check out the error logs of the webserver for possible clues. I suggest to remove or simply move the current doc root of the virtual host, and replace it with the unmodified contents of the webui dir.

  2. Jorge Gomes reporter

    Hi @Janos SUTO ,

    Thank you for your reply.

    It wasn’t so simple as that … actually it required to reconfigure all the config files from the Piler directory.

    I saved the originals and copied the ones with ‘.dist.’ in /usr/local/etc/piler

    But now seems to be working fine.

    Thank you for your support and work.


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