Empty Search Results

Issue #1117 resolved
Bob created an issue

No matter if I use audit@local or some other user, any attempted search (using wildcard or not) results in this message:

Empty search result. Try adding the wildcard character() after a word snippet (min. 5 characters), eg. duplic to find "duplicate", "duplicated", etc.

Comments (11)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Do you have any data indexed? Do you have the piler cron jobs installed? Check out /var/piler/sphinx directory contents if those files grow.

  2. Manuel

    same problem here.

    • New Server with Debian 10 (Buster).
    • Data migrated according to documentation.

    All things seem to work except the Search Window. After a search, the Search Window only shows the header line twice. The footer shows e.g. 1-20, total: 1000 (1636).
    In the syslog i find the matching line:
    sphinx query: 'SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE MATCH(' testi*') ORDER BY sent DESC LIMIT 0,20 OPTION max_matches=1000' in 0.01 s, 20 hits, 1636 total found

    So i think it's just a display problem.
    Maybe i'm forgotten an apache module or something?


  3. Thomas Helmrich

    Also have empty search results on mail users (logged in via imap) after update, but my auditor shows results.

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Check the sphinx query in mail.log for these users and verify that their email addresses are present in the query.

  5. Thomas Helmrich

    Address is included (@ replaced with X)

    SELECT id FROM main1,dailydelta1,delta1 WHERE        MATCH(' ( (@sender thomasXdomainXde) | (@rcpt thomasXdomainXde) ) ') ORDER BY `sent` DESC LIMIT 0,20 OPTION max_matches=10000' in 0.00 s, 0 hits, 0 total found

  6. Thomas Helmrich

    When calling this from console, following is throwed:

    ERROR 1064 (42000): index dailydelta1,delta1,main1: query error: no field 'sender' found in schema

  7. Thomas Helmrich

    Seems like the SPHINX_STRICT_SCHEMA is the ‘issue’.

    Switch to $config['SPHINX_STRICT_SCHEMA'] = 0; solved it.

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