Piler showing list of mails but no content / header / attachement

Issue #1122 closed
Gio created an issue


We have in a migration project received 2 Piler servers with the old archive of those 2 clients. Piler is working I can login and I can see a list of archived mails. These servers are solely there for archiving purposes. There is no connection to the new mail server.


I’m not able to download the .eml file or attachement nor can I see headers or content. I’ve added an picture so you can see what I get.

What can I do to get content of the mails in the archive?


Gio Figaroa

Comments (7)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello, check the mail logs for a clue. Piler syslogs any issue to the mail log.

    You have tow methods to get the emails. You may select a bunch of emails, and download them in the gui. If there are lots of emails, then they could be exported as a series of eml files using the pilerexport cli utility.

  2. Gio reporter

    Hi Janos,

    Thanks for your reply!

    As we are using Centos 7 I think that we need to have a look at messages and mail logs. I had a look into these files but I can’t see what is going wrong. Or what to look for. This is a device where users needs to be able to search in the archived mails so a cli export is not really a solution for this. They need the GUI access.

    When I click on the download for example the eml file all is 0 byte in size.

    Thanks for your help.


    Gio Figaroa

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