Mail sending problem

Issue #114 resolved
Crzaccount created an issue

Hi. I installed the archinve server as per your site [ ]document.Installtion successfully.I installed piler piler-0.1.23.After installation i checked the smtp connectivity through netstate command.The piler is listed on 25 port.Then i tried to send the mail through telnet command.i attached screen shot of telnet command which i used.After giving the data commend it gave the below error after some time. 421 mailarchiver.localhost Error: timed out Connection closed by foreign host.At the same time checked the mail log its giving the below out put Aug 6 12:01:14 localhost piler[2833]: 40000000520097dd0a1baf4400ddc8a1cf66: removing stale files: 40000000520097dd0a1baf4400ddc8a1cf66, 40000000520097dd0a1baf4400ddc8a1cf66.m . Please suggust me how to over come this.then only i able to relay mail from my mail server.

Comments (6)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Please try the following: start your MUA, eg. Outlook, Thunderbird, etc. and set the smtp host to the address of piler, then try sending a short test email, and check the logs in the meantime.

  2. Crzaccount reporter


    Thanks for you reply.i tried what you said.yes if is send mail by MUA the mail detail hit log and also checked the tables sph_index in DB piler.In that also mail has presented.My second question is how view the archived mail.I logging as auditor account it that i gave the search word to which id sent mail.But it is not giving any out put.So please Guide me how to view the archive mail.

    I installed virtual box also which is available in your site that also i logging as auditor in that also i am not able to see any archive mail.Even system statistic mail also not available which we put in cron.

    Log Detail:

    Aug 6 14:46:21 mail piler[2972]: 400000005200beef26dcfb7400b9e66beb5f:, size=355, reference=,, delay=0.13, delays=0.13/0.00/0.00/0.00/0.00/0.00

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Please try just hitting the search button without specifying anything. Will you get any results? Note that the indexer runs in every 30 mins, so there's a delay until you get the updates. If you manage to get a result, then try setting a search keyword.

  4. Crzaccount reporter
    Hi i changed the indexer timing also in cron schedule.after that also i am not able to see the query i creted the new domain and created the user in that domain.Through MUA i sent mail to the mail id.The mail id present rcpt id.After logging that account i am not able to see the mail.but the is available in sph_index table.Is there any setting to do to see the mails user wise.If it is there please let me know.Thanks for you prompt support.
  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    If it's in the sph_index table then it's waiting for indexing. If you want to advance it, then su to the piler user, then run the indexer job.

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