0.1.23 Query save/load display & how to delete saved query ?

Issue #115 resolved
Dave Dmytriw created an issue

Hello Janos,

I was playing around with saving/loading queries and think I found some issues.

I was logged in as auditor and enterered a value in the search box and then selected save ... Nothing happened... I have now learned that you have to execure a query before you can save it.

After saving a query or two I noticed a "D?" - image attached - on the right side of the load window. Is that by Design ?

Also, I have not found a mechanism to delete saved queries - definitely required.

Anxiously awaiting next release... :)

Thanks for all your work


Comments (7)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello Dave, I'm not sure how the "D?" stuff got there, it shouldn't be there. Anyway the latest master branch lets you delete the saved searches one by one. I think 1 or 2 weeks, and we can release it.

  2. Dave Dmytriw reporter

    Thanks Janos.

    Is the master "ready enough" to install ? The biggest issue I have is that I can not import existing email from the IMAP store < very important. If the master branch is stable enough and will pilerimport to work then I will install it. I just need basic functionality at this point - archive and basic search.


  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I think, it's ready to install. Please check out the upgrade docs, basically you should execute an sql script, and you are done with updating the database scheme.

    I've changed the imap code to handle better imap servers (eg. zarafa), and it would fix the compile error you encountered before.

    So please try it, then let me know if it works for you.

  4. Remi S

    Hi Dave, Janos,

    The D character is a placeholder for a delete function...that's my mistake and shouldn't have been committed yet! I'll remove it shortly.


  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Thanks Remi. Dave, note that we push everything to the master branch as soon as it seems to be ready, so please be sure to download that variant if you want the latest cutting edge stuff.

    The other branches (ui-updates-1 and v0.1.24-dev-R, etc.) are still being tested.

  6. Dave Dmytriw reporter

    I am using the latest master branch - from this morning Aug 14 and now I can't save anymore unless I am doing something wrong.


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