Restore to O365 fails

Issue #1162 closed
Alexander Noack created an issue

I do realize that this is very likely not a Piler issue but rather O365 related… but maybe somebody already came across this issue and knows how to remediate it.

When I restore a deleted email in my O365 account, the message transfer always fails:

550 4.3.2 QUEUE.TransportAgent; message deleted by transport agent
The Piler server is setup as a connector in Exchange Online. The Smarthost is <tenant-domain>

Mails seem to be originating from MicrosoftExchange329e71ec88ae4615bbc36ab6ce41109e@<tenant>

The error states that there is an NDR sent to that address, but even after assigning that address to myself, no NDR is ever received.

I have set $config['REWRITE_MESSAGE_ID'] = 1;

Any help is greatly appreciated!

Comments (2)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Unfortunately, I haven’t seen such behaviour yet. Be sure to ask on the mailing list as well, hopefully someone might have a clue. Or you may even contact the o365 tech support. Anyway, I’ll leave this issue open for a week in case someone has something to add.

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