Postinstall failing.

Issue #117 resolved
Emilio Martin Lundgaard Lopez created an issue

Hi I was trying to install mail-piler in a cloned machine. All the dependencies were solved but when I tried to install mail piler and run make postinstall I got

ERROR: vhost docroot should NOT exist, abroting install

After that I ignored the abortion and tried opening piler and searchd but when trying to open searchd got

sh: 1: /usr/local/bin/searchd: not found

I fear that maybe the machined I cloned had a previous instance of Piler installed. Is there any safe way of removing any mark of piler and starting from scratch?

Comments (8)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello, don't worry. The "make postinstall" detected that /var/www/yoursitename existed, so it aborted. No problem. Note that piler expects to be on a dedicated host (where it's the only virtualhost), although you are free to install it to an already used computer.

    After make install you have /usr/local/etc/piler. /usr/local/sbin/piler /usr/local/libexec/piler, /usr/local/bin/piler* and /usr/local/bin/reindex. Additionally you might have /var/piler, /var/spool/cron/crontabs/piler (or similar), and a database called piler. Finally it installs a sphinx.conf (depending on your distro).

    The "/usr/local/bin/searchd: not found" means that your searchd is somewhere else. You are free to fix it in init.d/rc.searchd. Current builds don't specify the path, so they can find searchd no matter where it is.

  2. Emilio Martin Lundgaard Lopez reporter

    Hi thank you for your answer. I got to fix the issues mentioned before but now when I try to run initd.d/rc.searchd I get

    using config file '/etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf'... FATAL: failed to open log file '/var/log/sphinxsearch/searchd.log': Permission denied

    Do you know if this is because of the non-priviledged user piler? I'm using Piler 0.1.23 btw.

    Thank you very much for your help.

  3. Emilio Martin Lundgaard Lopez reporter

    I tried granting some root priviledges as the system I'm trying is mostly for testing and now I get

    using config file '/etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf'... FATAL: failed to create pid file '/var/run/': Permission denied

    Do yo know what I could do from here?


  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    well, sphinx doesn't need any (elevated) privileges to run. However I believe that sphinx searchd uses a wrong config file, since the shipped sphinx.conf (within piler) doesn't refer to any log files. So make sure that searchd uses the right config file, ie. overwrite the OS shipped sphinx.conf with the piler version of sphinx.conf (in piler-0.1.23/etc ).

  5. Emilio Martin Lundgaard Lopez reporter

    Hi!! Thank you very much for being so helpful. I made sure the configuration file for sphinx is the one shipped with piler nevertheless I still get

    using config file '/etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf'... FATAL: failed to create pid file '/var/run/piler/': No such file or directory

    I created the directory /etc/run/piler myself only to change the issue to

    using config file '/etc/sphinxsearch/sphinx.conf'... FATAL: failed to create pid file '/var/run/piler/': Permission denied

    I have the idea though, this might be an issue from sphinxsearch and not from piler...


  6. Emilio Martin Lundgaard Lopez reporter

    I think I'm having some issues with the priviledges the user piler has as instead if running

    su piler -c '/usr/bin/searchd'

    I run


    and I don't get that issue. Now I get the following

    precaching index 'main1' WARNING: index 'main1': preload: failed to open /usr/local/var/piler/sphinx/main1.sph: No such file or directory; NOT SERVING precaching index 'main2' WARNING: index 'main2': preload: failed to open /usr/local/var/piler/sphinx/main2.sph: No such file or directory; NOT SERVING precaching index 'main3' WARNING: index 'main3': preload: failed to open /usr/local/var/piler/sphinx/main3.sph: No such file or directory; NOT SERVING precaching index 'main4' WARNING: index 'main4': preload: failed to open /usr/local/var/piler/sphinx/main4.sph: No such file or directory; NOT SERVING precaching index 'delta1' WARNING: index 'delta1': preload: failed to open /usr/local/var/piler/sphinx/delta1.sph: No such file or directory; NOT SERVING precaching index 'tag1' WARNING: index 'tag1': preload: failed to open /usr/local/var/piler/sphinx/tag1.sph: No such file or directory; NOT SERVING precaching index 'note1' WARNING: index 'note1': preload: failed to open /usr/local/var/piler/sphinx/note1.sph: No such file or directory; NOT SERVING FATAL: no valid indexes to serve

    are those files supposed to be created in the installation of Piler?

    Thank you!


  7. Emilio Martin Lundgaard Lopez reporter

    Solution to the originial issues are:

    • for

    ERROR: vhost docroot should NOT exist, abroting install

    make sure there is nothing like that in your webserver already, give a name in your postinstall for your docroot that is not being used.

    • for

    sh: 1: /usr/local/bin/searchd: not found

    make sure the script init.d/ d has the right path to searchd

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