I need A detailed step-by-step installation document is required for mailpiler,

Issue #1184 closed
zhou qiu created an issue

I need help
A detailed step-by-step installation document is required for mailpiler,
(CENTOS or ubuntu)

If any friends have, please share to my email address: zhoiuying@gmail.com

Comments (4)

  1. zhou qiu reporter

    After the installation of the document I found on the Internet, there was a problem with the use, so I don’t know if it is an error in the installation
    Now it looks like I added IMAP\POP3 import mail settings in the web background, and the status of import jobs is: PENDING. Unable to import mail

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Check the /var/piler/import dir contents for clues. Also try to manually import those emails. The drawback of the gui import is that you have no output from pilerimport.

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