Switching/Migrating to Docker

Issue #1186 closed
Waldemar Hamm created an issue

Hello Janos,

I’m sorry if I’ve missed answers to the below questions on the website but it seems that a sophisticated docker-variant of Piler has emerged by now and I think that’s pretty awesome and I really want to use it.

I have three questions:

  1. How would I go about migrating from the usual piler installation to a docker-compose installation?
  2. Does it matter from which piler version that migration would come from?
  3. How do I upgrade piler later on? Just docker-compose pull or do I need to prepare other steps?

These questions are not time-critical. I’d love to switch to docker as soon as possible, though.

Thank you very much!

Comments (5)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello Waldemar, the details depend on whether you want to run docker on the same host that piler is installed on or you want to setup docker and piler on a new host. Eg. to copy the raw encrypted piler files and sphinx data files to new host, or simple set the docker mounts to point to the existing /var/piler/store, etc. dirs.

    If you have a recent version of piler, then no special treatment is necessary. If it’s an older release, then it’s worth to check the upgrade docs.

    The later upgrades would be a simple docker pull as you wrote unless there’s a database schema change, etc, but these are rare with recent releases.

  2. Waldemar Hamm reporter

    Hello Janos 🙂 ,

    my use-case would be converting an existing piler host to a piler-docker host. I think the oldest piler version is 1.3.8.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Well, in that case, assuming you have all components (piler, sphinx and mysql) on the same host, do a backup just in case. Then stop all these daemons, fix docker-compose.yaml to use bind mounts, and start the containers.

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