Gateway Time-out

Issue #1198 closed
Darwin Taco created an issue

Hello, I hope you can help me with my problem, I currently have a mailpiler deployed to archive my company's emails. My problem arises when searching in the auditor environment, the first searches or advanced searches show the message "Gateway Time out" in the development section of the browser, as an attachment in the image. They suggested to me to modify the PHPFPM values, which helped in part however the problem persists but it is not shown as often anymore.


pm.max_children = 10

pm.start_servers = 3

pm.min_spare_servers = 2

pm.max_spare_servers = 4

pm.max_requests= 500

I use a mailpiler piler-0.1.24.ova that i updated SO base until debian 10.

I don't have a set retention time as I need it to store everything.

Thank for you help.

Comments (5)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I can see that you started archiving this year, and I’m not sure why you picked an ancient release of piler instead of deploying a recent version. Anyway, check the logs for piler, sphinx, nginx and php-fpm to get some insights what’s happening.

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