Unable to see mails post 29th April 2022 in GUI

Issue #1239 closed
Aamir Kabli created an issue

Unable to see mails post 29th April 2022 in GUI. However, I can see latest email when exporting them

Comments (12)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    You have run the indexer manually as root. Big mistake. Stop searchd, then chown piler:piler all files in /var/piler/sphinx, then start searchd, and it should fix it.

  2. Aamir Kabli reporter

    Thank you so much Janos… Unfortunately, as my Linux administrator is on leave and my knowledge on Linux is limited, can you please share the exact command. I will be obliged.

  3. Aamir Kabli reporter

    Hahaha. I totally understand. Anyways, I did consult him and did exactly what you suggested, stopping searchd, chown and then starting searchd. It’s been more than 2 hours, however emails till 29th are only displaying in webgui

  4. Aamir Kabli reporter

    If I run the reindex -a command, how do I check later how much % reindexing has been completed?

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    You don’t really do that. Though you may connect to sphinx: mysql -h -P9306

    Then run: select * from main1,dailydelta1; show meta

    The total documents counter tells you how many have been reindexed so far.

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