The file main_index_size don't get the size of the main size file

Issue #1255 resolved
Eduardo created an issue

Hi I see on the docs to avoid to sphinx grow bigger than 2G

I change to main2 but the file /var/piler/stat/main_index_size keep have the old size because sum the all files size not the last one.

I see on the crontab some references to /usr/libexec/piler/ that make the size correct but the main generator /usr/libexec/piler/ make the size of this file the sum of all index files…

Will be great have some information about the size max, and update /usr/libexec/piler/ to reflet the size only with the last file like the old

The pile version is piler-1.3.12

And Thanks for this wonderful piece of software..

Comments (3)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I assume, you refer to the “Sphinx main index” counter. It’s supposed to show the size of the total index data you have.

    Anyway, you may fix the current behaviour to show only main2 size to fix /usr/libexec/piler/ like below:

    done < <( find /var/piler/${INDEXDIR}/ -type f -name “${MAIN_INDEX}.spd” -printf "%TY%Tm%Td %s\n" )

    Let me know if it’s what you wanted to see.

  2. Eduardo reporter

    Yes, this is because in the interface show on red if the size of you index is bigger than 2G and if I rotate this index must reflect the new size right?. Regards!

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