sutoj/piler:1.4.3 Piler on Docker errors

Issue #1276 wontfix
BitUser created an issue

HI everyone, I’m trying to get Piler working on docker, and keep getting the same error message:

DEBUG: Generating piler.key
DEBUG: Making an ssl certificate
DEBUG: Writing /etc/piler/piler-nginx.conf
cp: cannot stat ‘/etc/piler/piler-nginx.conf.dist': No such file or directory

My yml is attached. I don’t know whether it’s the docker image, or my setup

Comments (7)

  1. BitUser reporter

    The default file works great, so must point to permissions? I tried the volumes on the same drive (but different directory) and fails again, I’m unsure what to check next?

  2. BitUser reporter

    Tried on two other workstations, it seems any directory fails apart from the default one in the example docker. Makes no sense. Appears not to be a docker issue.

    Just wanted you to know

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The docker image of piler uses volumes to store the configs, manticore search index and the stored archived files. The problem is with your setup that you simply override these directories of volume mount points with empty directories. So no wonder that piler complains. Also I’m not sure why prefer arbitrary bind mount over docker volumes. So to answer your question: it’s your setup, not the docker image.

  4. BitUser reporter

    Good news. We found the issue.

    The other two docker servers are not mine - one is windows, the other is ubuntu. Both run by other people

    When the volumes are in the default /var/lib/docker/ the files are created, all great. When the volumes are mapped elsewhere, not a single file is created. Copying the files from the original location with files, it starts working.

    Looking at the startup file, we can see there are two errors. We have fixed the original install script and it’s working fine

    Reading other similiar issues raised by others, you constantly tell them it’s their systems, there really isn’t any justification to be downright rude, we are only trying to help you. Myself, I am also a docker developer for about six years.

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I thought you’d be greatful for the help that pointed you to the right direction. Instead I got a rant in return, LOL.

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