Can't connect port 25

Issue #128 resolved
Emilio Martin Lundgaard Lopez created an issue

After installing everything I tried connecting to port 25 but got this issue

telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
421 %s service not available
Connection closed by foreign host.

I don't know if it has something to do with it but at mail.log I have the following log:

Aug 20 12:39:11 mailpiler-test piler[2397]: connection from IPADDRESS
Aug 20 12:39:11 mailpiler-test piler[2397]: Cannot connect to mysql server
Aug 20 12:39:11 mailpiler-test piler[2397]: cannot make prepared statement

EDIT: oops....was told not to put that address there :S

Thank you,


Comments (8)

  1. Emilio Martin Lundgaard Lopez reporter

    Located mysqld.sock in /run/mysqld/mysqld.sock so in piler.conf I set


    Does that make sense?


  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    hmm, it seems that we have a few problems here.

    the 421 error message indicates that the tcp_wrapper settings prevented the sending host to access piler. Please edit /etc/hosts.allow, and add the following:

    piler: 10.11.2.xx: ALLOW

    where 10.11.2.xx is the address of your mail server

    Also check the mysqlsocket parameter in piler.conf. It should match the actual socket you have, eg. /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock, etc.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Yes, it makes sense. Please restart piler, and check the maillog. If piler has problems you'll see it in the logs.

  4. Emilio Martin Lundgaard Lopez reporter

    Just until I could get it working I was setting hosts.allow as


    Wouldn't that include piler?


  5. Emilio Martin Lundgaard Lopez reporter

    I still get the same issue even if mysqlsocket is correct (it should be mysqld.sock, no?)

    Thank you,


  6. Emilio Martin Lundgaard Lopez reporter

    I feel like a fool!! The piler.conf didn't have the right password. Issue was solved by adding the right password. Though I still have doubts what the SMARTHOST field is for (currently I have it with no info).

    Thank you very much for your help, I owe you a beer :)


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