After Servercrash: Failed to lock. Resource temporarily unavailable; NOT SERVING

Issue #1308 closed
Axel created an issue

Piler Version: 1.3.5 Build 997
Sphinx: 2.2.11
Ubuntu: 18.04 LTS
MySQL: 5.7.42

Hi Piler-User,

not sure if its a bug…
Running Piler on a VM. The Hostserver crashed (VMWare).
Moved the Piler-VM to the second Hostserver and rebooted the Piler-VM.
When I start sphinx (searchd) I get the following error:

precaching index 'main1'
WARNING: index 'main1': lock: failed to lock /var/piler/sphinx/main1.spl: Resource temporarily unavailable; NOT SERVING

The Piler-Folder is hosted on external NAS and mounted as /var/piler. /var/piler folder is via the Piler-VM (SSH with PuTTy) accessible and all files are there, also the /var/piler/sphinx/main1.spl.

The Piler-GUI is accessible, but I only see Mails after the crash.

Any ideas for a solution?



Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Check if you can actually read /var/piler/sphinx/main1.spl as user piler, also try to copy it to the VM just to make sure.

  2. Axel reporter

    Thanks for your reply. Solved it. The reason were file-lockings on the storage, where the piler-files resides - in my case a synology NAS. Rebooted the Storage and after this rebooted the Piler-Server. Everything is fine now.

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