Piler database import slowness.

Issue #1320 closed
B.JEGADEESAN created an issue

Old piler server had piler version 1.3.0 and mariadb version 10.1.48 with piler database size is 300GB.

New piler server had piler version 1.4.4 and mariadb version 10.6.13.

We exported piler database from old server and copied into new server it’s not take much time, But while we import the piler database in to new server it's very slow. How to resolve this slowness issue and please let us know if we missed anything.

Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    What’s slow exactly? The mysql import? In that case you need faster i/o disk and perhaps more memory. Also be sure to checkout the mysql docs how to speed up an import. One more thing you may try: copy the raw mysql data files. Not sure if 10.6.13 is okay with 10.1.48 data, but it’s worth to give a shot. Be sure to stop mariadb on the old host first.

  2. B.JEGADEESAN reporter
    1. Yes we face slowness issue while import the database in our new server.
    2. And we stopped the mariadb service and then only we exported the database from our old server.
    3. We check the maiadb documents and make some configuration changes (like increased the innodb_buffer_pool_size & innodb_log_file_size) under /etc/my.cnf.d/server.cnf file.
    4. After the configuration changes we import the database and import speed is better than previous process, But still it’s not completed more than 24hours for (300GB data).

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    300 GB is not small feat, especially when you have several indexes. Give it some time, let it run its course.

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