Health monitor oldest record

Issue #135 resolved
Karsten Bandlow created an issue

Health monitor oldest record should be show to the oldest Maildate. Not the importdate.

Comments (8)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Valid point, however the sent column is not indexed, so although I can use the "sent" column (=Date: header) in the sql query it would be hopelessly slow getting the health screen.

    I'm not sure that adding another index to get a slightly more precise oldest record is worth it. What do you think?

  2. Karsten Bandlow reporter

    I think for marketing its nicer to show the customer how much mails are in the store and how old are they. Maybe set a lowest date, to filter spam mails with 1.1.1900

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The oldest possible mail should be 1970.01.01 (unix epoch time). Btw. what's the difference between importdate and maildate regarding the oldest record? A perhaps rude workaround could be removing the oldest record title from the screen.

  4. Karsten Bandlow reporter

    Look from the other side. Why its important to know when I import my mails. Because this is the oldest possible date. But its has no worth to know it.

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Er, I'm confused. Are you saying that this data can be removed from the dashboard because it's not that useful at all?

  6. Karsten Bandlow reporter

    No the oldest Mail, is very important. If you do a run to purge mails, the date should be changed. Its very difficult to change this. On import you read the mailheader, so you can do a

    oldest_Date = min(oldestDate, currMailDate)
  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I fixed it to print based on the mail header date (if it was imported, otherwise the arrival date) , and it excludes the deleted records.

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