Google API Mailimport doesnt work

Issue #139 resolved
Karsten Bandlow created an issue

run script local on webroot

:/var/www/webroot$ php /usr/local/libexec/piler/gmail-imap-import.php PHP Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Mail_Storage_Exception' with message 'cannot change folder, maybe it does not exist' in /var/www/.../Zend/Mail/Storage/Imap.php:480 Stack trace: #0 /var/www/.../model/google/google.php(60): Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap->selectFolder('[Gmail]/All Mai...') #1 /usr/local/libexec/piler/gmail-imap-import.php(55): ModelGoogleGoogle->download_users_emails('aaabbb@domain....', 'ykkjd.AHES6ZRknr...') #2 {main} thrown in /var/www/.../Zend/Mail/Storage/Imap.php on line 480

Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    hmm, model/google/google.php tries to select "[Gmail]/All Mail" folder. Can you edit this file and replace "[Gmail]/All Mail" with "INBOX"? (without the quotes)

    Also can you check if you actually have or have not a "[Gmail]/All Mail" folder? Today I checked again, and my Google apps account has it.

  2. Karsten Bandlow reporter

    Hello Janos, sorry for the late answer. I had checked it now. On my iPhone i can see the [Gmail]\AllMail Folder. However, Zend cannot see this folder. So I patch your google.php to Iterate to all folders. See attachment.

    class ModelGoogleGoogle extends Model {
       //Holds the Zend Storage
       private $storage;
       private function constructAuthString($email, $accessToken) {
          return base64_encode("user=$email\1auth=Bearer $accessToken\1\1");
       public function oauth2Authenticate($imap, $email, $accessToken) {
          $authenticateParams = array('XOAUTH2', $this->constructAuthString($email, $accessToken));
          $imap->sendRequest('AUTHENTICATE', $authenticateParams);
          while (true) {
             $response = "";
             $is_plus = $imap->readLine($response, '+', true);
             if($is_plus) {
                error_log("got an extra server challenge: $response");
                // Send empty client response.
             } else {
                if(preg_match('/^NO /i', $response) ||
                   preg_match('/^BAD /i', $response)) {
                   error_log("got failure response: $response");
                   return false;
                } else if (preg_match("/^OK /i", $response)) {
                   return true;
                } else {
                   // Some untagged response, such as CAPABILITY
       public function try_imap_login($email, $accessToken) {
          $imap = new Zend_Mail_Protocol_Imap('', '993', true);
          if($this->oauth2Authenticate($imap, $email, $accessToken)) {
             return $imap;
          } else {
             return '';
       // Save all Messages from selected folder
       private function saveMessages($email) {
           $last_msg_id = -1;
           $from = 1;
           $downloaded = 0;
           $storage = $this->storage;
             $from = $this->get_last_message_id_by_unique_id($email, $storage) + 1;
             //print "will download messages from: $from\n";
             $num = $storage->countMessages();
             $to = $from;
             while($from <= $num) {
                if($num - $from > 9) { $delta = 9; }
                else { $delta = $num-$from; }
                $to = $from + $delta;
                //print "downloading $from, $to\n";
                $unique_msg_id = $storage->getUniqueId($to);
                $messages = $storage->piler_batch_fetch($from, $to);
                while(list($k, $v) = each($messages)) {
                   $uuid = $storage->getUniqueId($k);
                   $tmpname = "piler-" . $email . "-" . $k . "-" . $uuid . ".eml";
                   $f = fopen(DIR_TMP . "/" . $tmpname, "w+");
                      fwrite($f, $v['RFC822.HEADER'] . $v['RFC822.TEXT']);
                      rename(DIR_TMP . "/" . $tmpname, DIR_IMAP . "/" . $tmpname);
                   //print "k: $k\n";
                $this->update_imap_table($email, $unique_msg_id, $to);
                $from += $delta + 1;
            syslog(LOG_INFO, "downloaded $downloaded messages for $email");   
       public function download_users_emails($email, $accessToken) {
          if(!$email || !$accessToken) { return 0; }
          $imap = $this->try_imap_login($email, $accessToken);
          if($imap) {
             $this->storage = new Zend_Mail_Storage_Imap($imap);
             $folders = new RecursiveIteratorIterator($this->storage->getFolders(),
            foreach ($folders as $localName => $folder) {
                if ($folder->isSelectable()) {
       private function get_last_message_id_by_unique_id($email = '', $storage) {
          if($email == '') { return 0; }
          $query = $this->db->query("SELECT last_msg_id FROM " . TABLE_GOOGLE_IMAP . " WHERE email=? ORDER BY last_msg_id DESC", array($email));
          if(isset($query->rows)) {
             foreach ($query->rows as $q) {
                try {
                   $num = $storage->getNumberByUniqueId($q['last_msg_id']);
                   return $num;
                catch(Exception $exception) {}
          return 0;
       private function update_imap_table($email, $unique_msg_id, $id) {
          $query = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO " . TABLE_GOOGLE_IMAP . " (id, email, last_msg_id) VALUES(?,?,?)", array($id, $email, $unique_msg_id));
          return $this->db->countAffected();
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