removing stale files

Issue #156 resolved
Andy Vo created an issue

I just re-install piler 0.1.24 of fedora-19. Looking at the maillog, for each received email, i got the following message.

40000000523b4c1c2a9348cc00fefa584804: removing stale files: 40000000523b4c1c2a9348cc00fefa584804, 40000000523b4c1c2a9348cc00fefa584804.m

Comments (3)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    No more syslog entries? This error indicates that there was a problem with processing the message. Can you (install and) run "ngrep", and monitor port 25 to see what smtp chat happens between piler and the remote host? And be sure to set verbosity=5 in piler.conf

  2. Andy Vo reporter


    With debug mode turn on, I found that the journal email was set to a different hostname/domain name. Once I corrected the journal email with the correct domain more 'removing stale files'.

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