Performance question

Issue #160 resolved
s s created an issue

Hi, I have 500000 of email in piler archive and have noticed following issue. In order to search mail in archive i changed two settings:

max_matches             = 100000

After these changes i can search only 100000 of mail in archive. When i changed settings to 500000 (the same value as an archive) php search page hanged.

Here is my question: 1 If i need to have about 1 million mail in archive can i have settings which not limit me, for ex. i do not need to look at sphinx / config.php each time when mail count grows. 2 If described above not possible which settings you recommend to handle huge amount of mail?

Thank you.

Comments (3)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello, I guess it hangs because of the huge data it returns to the query. Normally (and by default) the gui returns 1000 matches to your search query.

    It doesn't mean that it supports only 1000 archived emails, it's just the number of the returned rows. It's possible to increase this limit, and you did so. You may need to adjust some php memory limits as well.

    However I personally believe that it's pretty unlikely that you click through 500000/50 = 10000 pages to find what you are looking for, so even though if you have the necessary resources I don't think you will do that.

    I think if you get 1000 results (=1000+ results) then you need to tune the search query. If you really want to increase this value, you can, but I wouldn't go over 10000.

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