Mobile Template Errors/Suggestions

Issue #168 on hold
Karsten Bandlow created an issue

Mobile Template doesnt work on iPhone iOS 6 I change #mainscreen top: to 120px to have space for searchbuttons, because div overlays searchbuttons.

Here a few suggestions

ad onclick event to tr element show mailcontent in Modal window remove splitter an let scroll through the page collapse td elements or show only the most important, maybe subject at the first col

See attachment, demo piler site on iPhone IOS 6

Comments (5)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I think an iphone's display is pretty small. Anyway we'll try it make it work on iphone.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    No response on the issue, so I put it "on hold" state. I'll open it if we can properly address the issue. Until then unfortunately such a small screen is not supported officially.

  3. Rei Toei

    The interface looks the same in iPhone 5, 6+ and OnePlus One (which has a bigger screen) and it's pretty impossible to work around that and get your mail back.

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The smallest thing I managed to do it was a 7" tablet. Sorry, it seems that a mobile phone is too small for the gui, sorry. Perhaps later I'll come up with a mobile optimized version of the gui, but it won't be anytime soon.

  5. Rei Toei

    I'd just leave out the preview panel to get room for the buttons. Think of the mail apps on mobile phones. Mailpiler is pretty much the same thing - gui wise.

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