SAAS properties

Issue #175 resolved
s s created an issue


I've set ENABLE_SAAS =1 and configured on LDAP page my second domain settings. 'Test connection' is ok for second domain. When ENABLE_LDAP_AUTH =1 authentication work only for domain described at config.php, but second domain (from webui settings) does not work.

Can you please let me know what i did wrong? Is ENABLE_LDAP_AUTH should be enabled for SAAS function?

Also if possible please describe which functionality available by SAAS in v 0.1.24?

Thank you.

Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Yes, please enable ENABLE_LDAP_AUTH in config-site.php.

    ENABLE_SAAS gives you the means to create several ldap definitions for your domains. These are the steps:

    1. create an ldap definition (be sure to test the connection).
    2. Edit your domains in the administration / domain menu, and assign an ldap definition to each and every of your domains.

    Then when a user tries to login, the gui reads the matching ldap definition, and forwards login data to that ldap server. And all login related events are logged to the maillog, be sure to check it. Let me know if you manage to make it.

  2. s s reporter

    Now it worked. This is what i've fixed: Since most of our users have different mail attributes from userPrincipalName i have to change following.

    grep -n userPrincipalName system/misc.php 493: $ldap_mail_attr = userPrincipalName;

    Is it possible so $config['LDAP_MAIL_ATTR'] = 'userPrincipalName'; will work in SAAS also?


  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    If you changed in system/misc.php, then probably work. However please describe what (mail) system you have, then I can extend the available options, so you don't have to fix this function manually at every upgrade.

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