Can only search today's mail

Issue #183 resolved
Jack Zielke created an issue

After upgrading to the latest version I can only search through recent email. I expected I did something wrong during the update so I disabled the indexer cron jobs, reindexed all email (took almost 18 hours) and then ran the two cron jobs. That worked, I could see mail from 2008, etc. I let everything run for a few days and now it is just like it was right after the upgrade. I think I can view dailydelta1 and that's it.

Looking at a backup it looks like main1 used to be almost 8 Gig (.spd + spp). Currently it is 40M. The only change I have made to /usr/local/etc/sphinx.conf was to raise the mem_limit of indexer to 128M.

Reindex said it added 1.38 million emails, so this is pretty similar to your demo site in size.

Comments (16)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I bet that the default daily debian/ubuntu indexer job destroyed the index. Please show me /etc/default/sphinxsearch.

  2. Jack Zielke reporter

    This is a piler VM download from I upgraded it to debian 7.2. It does not have a file with that name. I am not saying that something from the upgrade is not wiping the index daily, just that it is not in /etc/default/sphinxsearch. I did a "locate sphinx" to see if there were any system installed files and I don't see anything odd.

    I see source code in the home directory, /var/piler/sphinx, /usr/local/etc/sphinx* and sphinx.php in /var/www

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Let me download the ova myself, and check for any gotchas. I hate to disappoint, but I think you have to reindex again after finding the cause.

  4. Jack Zielke reporter

    I appreciate that. I was counting on the reindex but since it will take so long between tests I was going to wait for your input before I start changing things =]

  5. Jack Zielke reporter

    Looking back through my notes, I got an sql error creating an index. Since I do get useful search data for the recent past I expect that everything in working as it should up to that point.


    create unique index `entry` on retention_rule (`domain`,`from`,`to`,`subject`,`_size`,`size`,`attachment_type`,`_attachment_size`,`attachment_size`,`spam`);

    gave: ERROR 1064 (42000) at line 2: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'create unique index entry on retention_rule (domain,from,to,subject,`_'

    I changed that to

    alter table retention_rule add unique index `entry` (`domain`,`from`,`to`,`subject`,`_size`,`size`,`attachment_type`,`_attachment_size`,`attachment_size`,`spam`);

    I think that worked...

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Btw. do you still have more than 1 day data in the archive or now you have emails 2-3 days back?

  7. Jack Zielke reporter

    I am going to stop the cron jobs, import 100 000, run, then indexer.main, then import the next 100 000 and see how that goes.

  8. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, I still can't explain why it happened. I assume you had the virtualbox image with piler 0.1.23, then you have upgraded. If I recall it correctly th vbox image contained a sphinxsearch installed from source.

    I can't say anything better than to reindex it again, sorry. Let me know how it goes.

  9. Jack Zielke reporter

    It is taking around 1.5 hours to pull in 100 000 messages. So far each import seems to be working. I bet I messed something up when adding the dailydelta1 index.

  10. Jack Zielke reporter

    I finished the import. If everything is working fine on Monday I will close ticket, if that is ok.

  11. Jack Zielke reporter

    Seems perfect. I am not sure what I did to erase the index, but everything is humming along just fine.

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