/etc/sudoers entry

Issue #188 resolved
Clemo created an issue

Piler webgui pops up the following message after applying newly created archive/retention rules

**add the following to /etc/sudoers: "www-data all=nopassword ......" ( CentOS it would be apache) .....

Is this entry necessary ? My setup appears to work without that entry. And if its is, wouldnt it be advisable to restrict apache sudo rights to maybe a few directories (which ones ?), instead of giving it full system access for security reasons ?


Comments (9)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I'm not sure how your setup works without it. In order to re-read the retention and/or archiving policies, the piler daemon needs a HUP signal. The apache user can't do it on its own, that's why a sudo entry is required to execute a single command as root. The given sudo entry restricts the webserver to a single command.

  2. Clemo reporter

    I think I was making a mistake. I was restarting Piler everytime I added a Rule. But now after adding the sudo entry in CentOS, the webgui is still popping out the same message to add the sudo entry. I notice Apache is not reloading Piler when I check the logs, but the entry is made in the Webgui. This is my sudo entry:

    apache ALL=NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/piler reload

    I also tried:

    %apache ALL=NOPASSWD: /etc/init.d/piler reload

    And finally tried (as a test):


    But still Piler not reloaded.


  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Set the following in config-site.php, and try again:

    $config['RELOAD_COMMAND'] = 'sudo -n /etc/init.d/piler reload';

    By default the gui searches for /etc/init.d/rc.piler and not /etc/init.d/piler

  4. Clemo reporter

    I have added this line in config-site.php, but still not effecting.

    $config['RELOAD_COMMAND'] = 'sudo -n /etc/init.d/piler reload';

    The config.php already had that entry, since that is how I had initially created the init.d entry. Am even restating the apache to try and effect it, but nothing yet. I work on the system as a sudo user, and am sure sudo itself has no problem.

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Can you su to apache, and run manually sudo -n /etc/init.d/piler reload?

    If it just won't work, then try using pilerreload in contrib/reload. It's a small binary, designed to send a HUP signal to the process id found in piler.pid.

  6. Clemo reporter

    Issue now resolved. In case you encounter a future user requesting assistance on this issue, Its a Centos /etc/sudoer settings. CentOS and most likely Redhat variants enable this entry -

    Defaults requiretty

    So one needs to comment it. I noticed this in apache logs which reports this message;

    sudo: sorry, you must have a tty to run sudo

    After disabling the setting, Apache successfully reloads Piler.

    Thanks for being so helpful.



  7. Clemo reporter

    The entry is in /etc/sudoers.

    We can even leave the default as it is (for security) but exclude Apache only from tty requirement. Thus we exclude only apache user and group as follows:

    Defaults requiretty

    Defaults:%apache !requiretty

    Defaults:apache !requiretty***

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