Search by "Non English" character return empty result

Issue #194 resolved
halu wong created an issue

Hi All,

First of all, i would like to thanks mailpiler. Itss really great!! Just wanna clarify is mailpiler only support English? I have tried to search by non english string: e.g. chinese, japanese but return empty result.

Attached with the screen capture of mail.log for your reference. It will be perfect if it can search by non-english character.

Comments (3)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    well, piler supports more then just English, for instance it supports Hungarian. However I have a message in the archive with "荣伊文" in the subject (don't ask what it means, no idea), and the apparently the gui fails to find anything for that search.

    I'll try to nail down this issue, and come up with a fix.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, I got it. Add CJK support to the sphinx index blocks in sphinx.conf, ie. eg. "index main1" should look like the following (notice the last 2 extra lines):

    index main1
            source                  = main1
            path                    = /var/piler/sphinx/main1
            docinfo                 = extern
            charset_type            = utf-8
            enable_star             = 1
            min_prefix_len          = 6
            min_word_len            = 1
            ngram_len               = 1
            ngram_chars             = U+3000..U+2FA1F

    After that run "reindex -a" as user piler in the /tmp directory. I'll add this info to the FAQ section. Let me know if it works for you.

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