404 Error: index.php not found

Issue #207 resolved
Matthew Rauch created an issue

I took the long and painful process of installing Piler-0.1.24 on a new Debian Wheezy server.

I finally got everything on the server to load without any errors you can find my documentation posted on my blog: Potlatch Technology Blog

When I finally go to the login page I enter the username and password as provided on your documentation and I get the 404 error.

You can access my server through this link: Potaltch Schools Email Archive

What is wrong? If you need anything from me please let me know, I am not a big linux user but I can do some things.

Comments (8)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Please dedicate a virtualhost for the piler gui. Currently it doesn't support being in a subdirectory.

  2. Matthew Rauch reporter

    Got it. I thought about that last night when I went to bed. Thanks for the information. My only other issue now is that when I have logged in, the Health Monitor: SMTP Status says "piler: ERROR". It is red. From the command line I have tried the sh init.d/rc.piler start command and I get "sh: 0: Can't open init.d/rc.piler.

    I have had that error before and the only way I have been able to fix it is delete the database, web folder, and key...then run the make postinstall again.

    Is there something else missing?

  3. Matthew Rauch reporter

    Figured out why it wouldn't start because you can only run the script from the piler install folder. I need to move those to the /etc/init.d folder for autostart at reboot.

    But I still have the piler: ERROR. Am I missing some other software?

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Check the PILER_HOST variable in config-site.php, and make sure you set it to the archiving host's IP-address.

  5. Matthew Rauch reporter

    That variable doesn't exist. I added it as such, but still get the error: $config['PILER_HOST'] = 'X.X.X.X';

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