Permission Denied with SSO

Issue #216 resolved
Former user created an issue

I have setup piler and would like to get SSO or LDAP working before I setup the link to get email archiving into it.

I have configured ntlm and sso, and apache shows a successful auth, and I see no errors in maillog, just sso login:username

searchd and piler are both running, and I have configured the smarthost as a local exchange server.

All I get when I try and login is 'permission denied' on the sso.php page. Can you point me in the direction to get this resolved?

Comments (6)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Please show me the relevant info from mail logs (see lines with "piler-webui"). What version do you use?

  2. Richard Fitzgerald

    Hi Jsuto, its 0.1.24 on centos 6.5

    Dec 18 16:33:44 GY-MA1 piler-webui[5904]: sso login: rmf Dec 18 16:34:19 GY-MA1 piler-webui[5903]: sso login: rmf Dec 18 16:34:26 GY-MA1 piler-webui[5908]: sso login: rmf Dec 18 16:36:12 GY-MA1 piler-webui[5907]: sso login: rmf

    are the entries I'm getting, SSO looks like its working because I'm getting HTTP 200 responses for sso.php in apache access_log.

    error_log reports successful ntlm auth?

    [Wed Dec 18 17:13:23 2013] [debug] mod_auth_ntlm_winbind.c(787): [client] authenticated rmf

    Exactly what do I need in config-site.php? I have seen conflicting information on the pdf guide and the website information. do I simply need the enable_sso parameter or is the ldap helper setup required? is this where it is failing, if I switch to ldap I get a message about being unable to bind using the helper account?

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello Richard, it seems that the underlying SSO part works properly. However the piler gui needs a helper account, please set $config['LDAP_HELPER_DN'] and $config['LDAP_HELPER_PASSWORD'] in config-site.php.

  4. Richard Fitzgerald

    I have resolved the issue, there was a typo in config that took a fresh look to find!

    Thank you for your help

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