CPU 100%

Issue #224 resolved
Dániel Mészáros created an issue

Hi Janos,

I've started to import some mails from an old exchange 2003 imap, and after importing 206 emails, it started burning the cpu.

There's an other weird thing: every other mail failed to download, saying "hdr_len:0"

Comments (6)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello Daniel,

    it's possible that you have run into a parser issue. What piler version do you use? If it's 0.1.24, then try the latest master branch (check out the Downloads link above), let's see if it helps.

    Also it would be useful if you could somehow check the actual message pilerimport is trying to process. It's name might be something like INBOX-207.txt. (Where INBOX is the name of the current imap folder). If you have this file, then check if it looks like a valid email.

  2. Dániel Mészáros reporter

    Hi again,

    in the /tmp, i can find a lot of encoded mails with 0 length, and a lot of imap-xxx.txt with 0 length..

    yesterday night, i've restarted the import, i got to 1200, then it stopped again.

    Now, i've started again, and i'm keeping my eye on the /var/log/maillog.

    I could find only this, so far:

    Jan  3 04:15:01 arch pilerimport[4919]: : mysql_stmt_prepare() error: Unknown co
    lumn 'attachment_name' in 'field list' => sql: SELECT `domain`, `from`, `to`, `s
    ubject`, `_size`, `size`, `attachment_name`, `attachment_type`, `_attachment_siz
    e`, `attachment_size`, `spam`, `days` FROM `archiving_rule`
  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    To fix the mysql_stmt_prepare issue, please check util/db-upgrade-0.1.24-0.1.25.sql script on how to update the piler database scheme.

    Do you have enough free space under /tmp? The zero length imap-xxx.txt files seem to me odd.

  4. Dániel Mészáros reporter

    Hi Janos. The main reason i installed this is no longer there, as at my mate's company, they're gonna use a linux based mail server instead of the very old, unreliable windows SBS 2003. And that means, that they have to create a proper backup for all those mails, and depending on the server software they will choose, they'll have archiving solution too. So, i've given up with the exchange imap, and i think, other bits are all good. So i can close this ticket now. Thanks, Daniel

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