no archive in piler

Issue #227 resolved
Former user created an issue

I am using the mail piler with zimbra for archiving the mails . I have created the domain in mail piler. when I send mail from zimbra server It does not archive in mailpiler

Comments (23)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, this looks good. It says that piler got the message, and stored it. What do you mean by the message is undelivered? Piler won't deliver a message, it merely receives it, then archives it. It doesn't deliver it further.

  2. mandar sarang

    sorry for late reply. The issue is resolved. one more thing is that I have integrated piler with zimbra using LDAP . I able to login piler with zimbra login , but in piler with admin login doesnt show users of zimbra.

  3. mandar sarang

    If I want to add group to user as group membership. To edit particular user in administrator | users menu. When I select domain(of mail server) to view users ,no users found

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Did you try starting to fill the "search groups" field? After 2 characters it offers some group names matching the first 2 characters.

  5. mandar sarang

    That is ok. But my problem is that ,I am unable to see users of mail server(via LDAP) on piler gui. I can add users to group.

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Then why would you need to see users (or a list of users) in the piler gui? Because you have to guess some usernames otherwise?

  7. mandar sarang

    But how I can add particular group to user because I can see only the users that added using "Add new user" in mail piler gui. I cant see LDAP users. so how can I add group to mail server users using Edit/View?

  8. Janos SUTO repo owner

    can we skype? Perhaps we can resolve the issue faster. Please find me at janos.suto on skype.

  9. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Firstly, don't expect me to process this blob you just pasted. Please format is using the editing options, in its current form it's more like garbage to my eyes. Sorry.

    Then, I believe it's a designing flaw to put the archive to the same machine where your mta is. Normally you assign a dedicated host (whether physical or virtual) to the archive. The trouble is that I can't see any delivery attempt to piler. It's also confusing that it's unclear to me whether is the name of the archive or the name of iredmail server.

  10. Suresh Prabhakaran

    ok sorry for my mistake... now i have dedicated vm machine for mailpiler mailserver-- i want to know whether postfix service is required for mailpiler host. and also as per documentation smtp relay name given as smtp.domainname (i entered,port number as 25 .. but still mails not archived Is there any configuration required in my mail server postfix and file.

  11. Janos SUTO repo owner

    You don't need postfix (or any other mta) on mailpiler host. To present emails to piler, yes, you have configure your mailserver (I assume, it's postfix). Edit, and set

    always_bcc =

    (use the proper FQDN of the archive host). Then look at the maillog, and check if emails are coming and being processed by the piler daemon.

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