Question about google table

Issue #235 resolved
edo_romero created an issue

I've have piler installed, but only one google user are added into google table, at all of emails and users table were added correctly (the SSO works fine).

The problem is with piler-import just only download emails just for the user in google table (the admin user, api owner, etc), not for the rest. I've check the API permission on Google user Security interfaces and were added ok.

I''ve try to reproduce the insert query into google table, and sql says that 'id' column are duplicated, so nobody adds into this table. I've try to find how the $id variable is generated (bigger number), but can't find yet.

Thanks in advance Eduardo.

Comments (9)

  1. edo_romero reporter

    my google user on table says:

    id email access_token refresh_token created
    184467440737095* user@my-google-apps.domain yaee29.1.AN_WLq-JtqFNJC6nXhEzeSyThG_QMjXu0wwhiCOt... 1/5JwlioY1-sVu_BoaIaxBxD45kT5nZrWMVLxeBjXqtsU 1389813779

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, firstly please verify that each successfully logged in account is present in the "google" table. The 'id' column you mentioned should be unique, it's the google account id, they assign to each account.

    Then please verify that piler user's crontab has an entry for downloading emails from google (check for a line with gmail-imap-import.php), and another entry for actually importing them (check for a line with pilerimport).

  3. edo_romero reporter

    The crontab por imap import a piler load are installed and run, the problem is in google table, the sql inserts a new user with the same id of only user added, so i've test to alter the id record and can add new user, and the interface seems runs ok.

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I think I found it. Please execute the following schema change on the "google" table:

    alter table google change column id id char(32) not null primary key;

    then delete the current user, and try to login at least with 2-3 google accounts.

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