Feature Request

Issue #242 resolved
Former user created an issue

It would be great if mailpiler could auto create companies and users within that company based upon the email address.

On the admin settings page there would be an option to auto create company and auto create user. The companies would be based upon the domain name and users based upon the email address. The admin could then activate a company and turn on a Send Welcome Message feature which would send an email to the all users with their login and password . Any new addresses would automatically get the welcome message. The password would be dynamically created.

Comments (2)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Well, the basic idea behind user management is to define or keep the bare minimum of users in piler's local database. The preferred method is to keep regular users just where they are, eg. ldap database, Active Directory, etc. Note that you may import accounts into piler if you choose to.

    However creating an account based on an email address might be tricky. Imagine if a user has 2 email addresses, then this auto creating feature would make 2 distinct accounts for that single user.

    Mailing lists could be another problem. They shouldn't be as regular account, but how to tell that email1@yourdomain is for a user, but email2@yourdomain is a distribution list.

    So please help me solving these issues first.

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