Exchange envelope journal

Issue #27 resolved
Dimple Mehta created an issue

I have envelope journaling enabled on my Exchange server. I have created a forwarder, to forward the journal to my piler server. However, when it gets collected, archived and index only the envelope journal body is showing. Is there anyway you could extract the journal message and store that and not the envelope (This can cause issues as people can see BCC information when download the EML file).

Comments (25)

  1. Dimple Mehta reporter

    Thank you so much for your help.It works fine.There is one problem after doing that change search emails come up with red cross mark.I have attached the screenshot for your reference.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    is your build number 708? If so, then please download the master branch again, and recompile it. I noticed this possibility after I set this issue to resolved.

    I believe that there's a difference between the stored file and the tot_len value in the metatable.

  3. Dimple Mehta reporter


    • config.h, SJ
    • /
    1. ifndef _CONFIG_H
    2. define _CONFIG_H
    1. include <syslog.h>
    2. include "piler-config.h"
    3. include "params.h"
    1. define PROGNAME "piler"
    1. define VERSION "0.1.21"
    1. define BUILD 709
    1. define HOSTID "mailarchiver"
  4. Dimple Mehta reporter

    Can you please remove the image attachment?It contains my email address so if you can delete it then it would be great.

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, I have updated the master branch. Please download it again, and let's see whether new emails have green ticks or not.

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Can you send me a screenshot of some newly arrived emails? Please include the red crosses (or the green ticks)

  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, I think - finally - I found and fixed the problem. Please download the master branch again, and recompile, then reinstall the binaries.

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