BCC receipent issue

Issue #29 resolved
Dimple Mehta created an issue

BCC person unable to see mail in his login account.

Comments (15)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    please verify the following:

    mysql> select * from rcpt where id=xxxx;

    where xxxx is the serial number ('id' column) from the metadata table. You should see the bcc recipient's email address as well.

    Then if it's possible login with the BCC user to the web interface. then edit index.php, and add the following after session_start();


    Then refresh the page, and you should also notice the bcc email address.

  2. Dimple Mehta reporter

    There must be two records in rcpt table.First record for "To" person and second for "BCC" person.Unfortunatly there is only one record in database which belongs to "To:" person no record for "BCC".

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, I've just updated the master branch, please download it, and recompile it. Before starting piler again, set verbosity=5 in piler.conf, and it will syslog the journal recipients.

    Then send another email with a bcc recpient, and verify in the maillog file, that piler noticed it. Then the bcc recipient will find this email.

    If everything goes well, then restore verbosity=1.

  4. Dimple Mehta reporter

    Maillog file has no record for BCC recipients.

    Oct 8 11:59:30 piler piler[1162]: 400000005072a40c1eb653dca5e103f8cf8b: added 1 recipients Oct 8 11:59:30 piler piler[1162]: 400000005072a40c1eb653dca5e103f8cf8b: stored recipients, rc=0 Oct 8 11:59:30 piler piler[1162]: 400000005072a40c1eb653dca5e103f8cf8b: stored indexdata, rc=0 Oct 8 11:59:30 piler piler[1162]: 400000005072a40c1eb653dca5e103f8cf8b: stored metadata, rc=0 Oct 8 11:59:30 piler piler[1162]: 400000005072a40c1eb653dca5e103f8cf8b: sent: 250 Ok 400000005072a40c1eb653dca5e103f8cf8b <piler@piler.local>#015

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, then please run "ngrep -X -e port 25", then send a short test email (with a bcc recipient), and save the ngrep results, then verify that you can see the bcc recipient on the network.

  6. Dimple Mehta reporter

    I run ngrep command then send test email(with BCC) and i can see "BCC: " but still when i login with BCC i dont see that mail.

  7. Dimple Mehta reporter

    I have sent you "ngrep -X -e port 25" result to your email address for your reference.

  8. Janos SUTO repo owner

    updated the master branch, please try it, and let's see whether it shows the bcc recipient.

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