Archiving rules are not being recorded

Issue #302 resolved
Anderson Freitas created an issue

Dear Jsuto,

When you apply a rule of filing, it is not completed, will not appear on the grid of existing rules, ie, are not being recorded, checked in Database Tables of rules and nothing was recorded.

Shows this error in the logs when I add a Piler rule:

PHP Notice: Undefined index: attachment_name in / var / www / archive / model / policy / archiving.php on line 29, referer: Thanks!

Comments (5)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Please try the following sql statements on the piler database:

    alter table archiving_rule add column attachment_name varchar(128) default null; alter table retention_rule add column attachment_name varchar(128) default null;

    Then try it again.

  2. Anderson Freitas reporter

    Archiving rules are not being recorded

    Dear Jsuto,

    Thank you worked correctly, I'm with other like please record per scan is missing some field in the table:

    PHP Notice: Undefined index: stored_size in / var / www / archive / model / stat / counter.php on line 28, referer:

    Used version: piler 0.1.25-rc2, build 871, Janos SUTO Build Date: Wed May 14 12:26:33 EDT 2014 version ldd: ldd (GNU libc) 2:12 gcc version: gcc version 4.4.7 20120313 (Red Hat 4.4.7-4) (GCC) . Configure command: / configure - localstatedir = / var / archive - with-database = mysql - enable-STARTTLS

    Thank you again!

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I see, you upgraded piler, but not the database schema. Please check util/db-upgrade-0.1.24-vs-0.1.25.sql, and execute the statements inside one by one to create the missing parts.

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