X-Envelope-To Receipient is always Pilerhost fake Mailaddress

Issue #307 wontfix
Karsten Bandlow created an issue

I archive Mails from an external Mailserver. All Mails are forwarded to another Mailserver with always bcc to piler@pilerhost.example.com MX entry is mailhost.example.com

Mailhost.example.com is a regular Mailserver to forward Mails with transportmaps to the internal pilerhost.

All mails in Piler from this external Mailserver have piler@pilerhost.example.com as receipient, the Mailheader contains X-Envelope-To: piler@pilerhost.example.com two times. The original receipient is like user@example2.com

Mails from local Mailserver are ok.

Comments (7)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I think you may fix the problem by setting the X-Envelope-To: header only on the external mail server.

  2. Karsten Bandlow reporter

    Its not possible, because the internal Mailserver forward Mails from other adresses to piler too. And it would be nice to forward only mails from goggle or so on, with a filter to a fixed archiveaddress. So there is no possibility to add an extra header. Do you have a solution?

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    This is rather about postfix than it is about piler. Can you setup a transport map on the external server for piler@pilerhost.example.com pointing directly to your pilerhost (e.g. opening a port in the firewall and allowing only connections from the external mail server on that port)

    Otherwise recipient_bcc_maps could be an alternative for you as you could rewrite the bcc address depending on the recipients domain (or sender_bcc_maps for that matter if rewriting on the sender's domain).

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Unfortunately Piper can't really help preventing the occurrence of the 2 identical mail headers.

  5. Karsten Bandlow reporter

    Hi Janos, the only Problem is the piler email address in the to field. If I use the SAAS Feature, it would be helpful to set a destination emailadress like piler@company1.com wich Piler have to ignore.

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