gzuncompress() data error

Issue #314 resolved
Sachin Acharya created an issue


Whenever I try to Download .eml, it opens the download box, but the size of the file is 0 bytes.

Upon checking the /var/log/apache2/error.log. It gave the following output:

[Wed Jun 04 11:24:59 2014] [error] [client x.x.x.x] PHP Warning: gzuncompress(): data error in /var/www/piler/model/search/message.php on line 107, referer: http://x.x.x.x/search.php

[Wed Jun 04 11:24:59 2014] [error] [client x.x.x.x] PHP Warning: gzuncompress(): data error in /var/www/piler/model/search/message.php on line 112, referer: http://x.x.x.x/search.php

piler -V is as follows:

piler 0.1.24-master-branch, build 836, Janos SUTO sj@acts.hu

Build Date: Fri May 30 16:16:00 IST 2014 ldd version: ldd (Debian EGLIBC 2.13-38+deb7u1) 2.13 gcc version: gcc version 4.7.2 (Debian 4.7.2-5) Configure command: ./configure --localstatedir=/var --with-database=mysql --enable-starttls --enable-tcpwrappers

please reply and help solve this problem as soon as possible.

Comments (15)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner


    I suspect that there must be a decryption or decompression issue. Can you see any hint or clue in the maillog?

  2. Sachin Acharya reporter

    I tried to download a test mail and the mail log gave the following error:

    Jun 4 17:41:25 mail piler[6925]: connection from

    Jun 4 17:41:25 mail piler[6925]: 40000000538f0cf71bc5a0740042ae5698d1: invalid command: MESSAGE 40000000538f035836aee4cc008887967b5c

    Jun 4 17:41:25 mail piler[6925]: 40000000538f0cf71bc5a0740042ae5698d1: invalid command: STAT 502

    Jun 4 17:41:25 mail piler[6925]: 40000000538f0cf71bc5a0740042ae5698d1: invalid command: STAT Command

    Jun 4 17:41:25 mail piler[6925]: 40000000538f0cf71bc5a0740042ae5698d1: invalid command: STAT not

    Jun 4 17:41:25 mail piler[6925]: 40000000538f0cf71bc5a0740042ae5698d1: invalid command: STAT implemented

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hold it! Tell me more about your setup or layout, since these commands shouldn't occur in a usual installation. I suspect that you you the detached gui feature, not sure if this is what you really want.

  4. Sachin Acharya reporter

    I have a postfix (for bcc-ing every mail)/dovecot(for IMAP authentication) set up running and I have installed Mail Piler in the same machine. I followed the installation procedure as given in the instruction manual. I think I didn't do anything that would detach the gui feature. I did come across some errors while installation which I could solve through the internet resources available.

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Technically you can put the archive on the same computer as your mail server, however (just thought it was good to know) usually we put the archive to a separate computer.

    Anyway please show me config-site.php (exclude any passwords), and make sure you have $config['PILERGETD_HOST'] = ''; ie. an empty value.

  6. Sachin Acharya reporter

    The following is the contects of config-site.php. I added $config['PILERGETD_HOST'] = ''; and I am able to download the mails properly. Even Mail Restore is working except when I try to restore as an auditor.


    $config['SITE_NAME'] = 'mail.xxx.com'; $config['SITE_URL'] = 'http://mail.xxx.com/'; $config['DIR_BASE'] = '/var/www/piler/';

    $config['ENABLE_SYSLOG'] = 1;

    $config['SMTP_DOMAIN'] = 'mail.xxx.com'; $config['SMTP_FROMADDR'] = 'no-reply@mail.xxx.com'; $config['ADMIN_EMAIL'] = 'admin@mail.xxx.com';

    $config['DB_DRIVER'] = 'mysql'; $config['DB_PREFIX'] = ''; $config['DB_HOSTNAME'] = 'localhost'; $config['DB_USERNAME'] = 'piler'; $config['DB_PASSWORD'] = 'xxxxxxxxxx'; $config['DB_DATABASE'] = 'piler';

    $config['SMARTHOST'] = ''; $config['SMARTHOST_PORT'] = 25; $config['REWRITE_MESSAGE_ID'] = 1; $config['PILER_HOST'] = ''; $config['PILERGETD_HOST'] = ''; ?>

    Restoring as an auditor gives the following message in /var/log/mail.log

    Jun 5 11:16:03 mail dovecot: imap-login: Aborted login (auth failed, 1 attempts in 2 secs): user=<auditor>, method=PLAIN, rip=::1, lip=::1, secured, session=<OaqUQhD7+AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAB>

  7. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Have you changed config.php? Show me grep IMAP config*.php

    It seems that the gui wants to restore a message via imap protocol, however it just can't authenticate against dovecot.

  8. Sachin Acharya reporter

    Yes i did edit the config.php file. But i didnt add anything extra, I just change some values.

    grep IMAP config*.php is as follows:

    config.php:$config['ENABLE_IMAP_AUTH'] = 1;

    config.php:$config['IMAP_HOST'] = 'localhost';

    config.php:$config['IMAP_PORT'] = 143;

    config.php:$config['IMAP_SSL'] = false;

    config.php:$config['DIR_IMAP'] = '/var/piler/imap';

    config.php:define('TABLE_GOOGLE_IMAP', 'google_imap');

  9. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I recommend you to put every site specific stuff to config-site.php. The problem is that with imap auth enabled, the gui tries to restore messages not via smtp, but via imap, however you don't have an "auditor" account in imap.

    The fix should be easy:

    a) add a new config variable, eg. $config['RESTORE_OVER_IMAP'] =1; to config-site.php

    b) edit controller/message/restore.php, and replace ENABLE_IMAP_AUTH with RESTORE_OVER_IMAP Do the same with controller/message/bulkrestore.php

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