login successfull but returned to login page

Issue #319 resolved
Michal Mistina created an issue

Hello Janos. I've deployed: * CentOS 6.5 * Mysql 5.1.73 * nginx * sphinx-2.1.8-1 * piler 0.1.24-master-branch, build 836

It is a fresh installation. Everything started succesfully. The login web page is successfully loaded. After I login I am redirected to /index.php?route=health/health URL, but I still can see only login page. Also /var/log/maillog proves the successfull login:

Jun 11 14:54:13 mailpiler piler-webui[2055]: username=admin, event='logged in'

I guess there is something wrong with nginx rewrite rules. I just copied them from the manual post installation steps from the mailpiler documentation. Or could it be something else? Is it possible to turn on some other logging where can I find what is happening?


Comments (10)

  1. Michal Mistina reporter

    Sorry about the formatting.. Bitbucket didn't created a formatted list from the list of software I've installed.

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Well, if it's a fresh install, then I recommend you to use the master branch. It's almost the final next stable version, and it fixes and improves several things.

  3. Michal Mistina reporter

    Janos, I installed the master branch. But it didn't solve my issue. I still think it is the nginx, which I setup wrong. Where can I find logs which may point me to the right track?

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Can we use a teamviewer session to look around and fix the issue? If so, then find me on skype (janos.suto)

  5. Michal Mistina reporter

    Janos, thank you for suggested help. I've played with nginx and did not find anything. Then I've tried to install more php- modules according to this page http://petermolnar.me/howtos/how-to-install-mailpiler-on-centos-5-x/ and found out mailpiler works, so I've searched one among of those packages. I narrowed it by trying to the php-pdo, that I was missing it. One I don't acctually understand. I have copy/paste manual and php-mysql is there and php-pdo is one of its dependencies is php-mysql. Maybe with the installation of other php- packages came something else in the OS which was dependent on those packages. Because if I miss php-mysql the mailpiler page didn't show anyghing, nor the login page. At the beginning of this issue I had login page.

    These are packages I separated by comparing to the aforementioned site that I didn't install at the beginning of this issue:

    yum install php-ldap php-pdo php-devel php-odbc php-xml php-xmlrpc php-bcmath php-snmp php-soap php-pear php-imap php-dba php-mbstring

    Which of those are required?

  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I'd suggest the following packages: php php-cli php-common php-fpm php-gd php-mysql php-ldap php-pdo php-pecl-memcache

  7. Michal Mistina reporter

    One of the dependencies of the php package is httpd. I removed php also with httpd (automatically) and it works.

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