Can I selectively remove messages?

Issue #320 resolved
Former user created an issue

I managed to import 'draft' messages form a PST file and now they are showing as sent date in the year 1970. Can I just delte these via teh GUI or thru the database?

Also have some emails with the year 2036 which is a result of the header having a two digit year (found this in your previous issues). Can I edit someting to manually fix it?

I am using 1.24 from your VM Applicance

Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The gui doesn't let you to delete emails. However you can do the following: set the retained column for a timestamp in the past, eg. 1388530800, then run the pilerpurge utility, and it will wipe this message. The invalid date (1970 or 2036) may be either a way too badly formatted Date line or a parser error. If you can show me some lines, I'll check them.

    Also by editing the metadata table (sent column) you may fix malformed dates, however you may have to reindex some emails since search queries are against sphinx in the first round. Note that I discovered a bug in the master branch (have fixed a few days ago) that caused a reindexed message to feature the current date after reindexing. See it foryourself if it affects you.

  2. supporthq

    Thanks for the quick feedback.

    If I edit the metadata, can I reindex a single message if I set the to and from to the same id, is that all I need to do?

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Yes, however there may be a bug in 0.1.24 that would set the date to the current date in sphinx when reindexing. The master branch fixes this issue, but it requires you to upgrade piler.

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