IInline images appearing as attachments and body of email with showing an 'x'

Issue #321 resolved
supporthq created an issue

This may be normal or intended behaviour, but it would be nice to have them display the same as in outlook/exchange.

Using version 1.24

Comments (7)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Thanks for the image. Can you check the following? Go to the demo site (http://demo.mailpiler.org/), login as auditor@local (pwd: auditor), then execute the following search:

    subject: Questions and problems regarding kdump, a: image

    You should have a result with image attachments. By clicking on the message, you can see two attachments at the top of the lower pane, however you can see the 2 actual images at the end of the message. Not sure if it's ok for you.

    I think 0.1.24 gui doesn't have this feature, but the master branch (and the upcoming final stable version) have.

  2. supporthq reporter

    Hi jsuto,

    to clarify the issue, its when you download the the email as an eml file and open it up in outlook. with the images removed from the body of the images the emial looks very different from the orginal.

    The preview of the email in bottom half of the gui was OK, but the feature to show them in there is helpful.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Thanks for explaining. I downloaded the email I had referred as an eml file, however outlook 2007 sp3 couldn't open it. Then I installed windows essentials (the mail component only), then it was able to open the eml file, however it displayed it propely with the 2 images shown.

    Can you open the EML file in question and verify that actually it has all 4 image attachments in the file? Not sure if the EML file is broken or it's an Outlook problem.

  4. supporthq reporter


    If I download the eml file it opens in plan text with images as attachments :(

    I'm using Outlook 2010 is that helps.

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hmm, the same with outlook 2013. I think it must be an outlook settings. Let me google it...

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