Bulk Restore issue

Issue #326 resolved
Sachin Acharya created an issue


When I try to bulk restore some mails as an auditor or as a normal user, nothing happens. I dont get any error in /var/log/mail.log, but I get just this message in /var/log/apache2/error.log

[Wed Jun 18 14:15:39 2014] [error] [client xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx] PHP Notice:  Trying to get property of non-object in /var/www/piler/model/mail/mail.php on line 110, referer: http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/search.php

Please help resolve this issue

Comments (13)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Please add the following to controller/message/bulkrestore.php after this line:

    $imap_ok = $this->model_mail_mail->connect_imap();

         if(!$imap_ok) {
            syslog(LOG_INFO, "imap connection failed for bulkrestore");

    I suspect that the imap connection fails. Btw. do you have both imap auth and imap restore enabled? Show me "grep IMAP config*"

  2. Sachin Acharya reporter

    grep IMAP config* gives the following:

    config.php:$config['ENABLE_IMAP_AUTH'] = 1;
    config.php:$config['IMAP_HOST'] = 'localhost';
    config.php:$config['IMAP_PORT'] =  143;
    config.php:$config['IMAP_SSL'] = false;
    config.php:$config['DIR_IMAP'] = '/var/piler/imap';
    config.php:define('TABLE_GOOGLE_IMAP', 'google_imap');
    config-site.php:$config['RESTORE_OVER_IMAP'] = 0;

    I added RESTORE_OVER_IMAP = 0 at config-site.php

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, you have imap auth enabled, and smtp restore. Can you check the network traffic what goes on the wire, and what does the mail log say?

  4. Sachin Acharya reporter

    The mail log doesn't produce any error. nload command does show an increase in network traffic. ngrep port 25 doesn't show anything. I'm not sure if that's what you wanted.

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    So you are an auditor, then select a few messages to bulk restore, click on the button in the middle on the right, and when it prompts, you enter an email address where to send these emails, and eventually nothing happens?

  6. Sachin Acharya reporter

    When I click on bulk restore button, I just get a message that says "Restored", No prompt asking for any email address.

  7. Sachin Acharya reporter

    Yes logged in as an auditor. and piler version is 0.1.25-rc2. I copied the contents of the webui directory and overwrote everything in /var/www/piler

  8. Janos SUTO repo owner

    This is the time, when we need some debugging. Can we arrange a teamviewer session? If so, the find me on skype (janos.suto)

  9. Sachin Acharya reporter

    OK. I'll try to install skype and teamviewer. Its my office computer and I am connected to the mail server where piler is installed through SSH

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