message not shown 0.1.25-rc2

Issue #329 resolved
merlin81 created an issue

message subject and body are not shown in detail view, in the table I can see the subject. when downloading eml file is empty. piler 0.1.25-rc2 on Debian wheezy, using mariadb 5.5.

Comments (11)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Is there any error in the mail log? Is it for a single message only or it's a generic issue?

  2. merlin81 reporter

    Only a warning: [Warning] Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. REPLACE... SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave. Statement: REPLACE INTO sph_counter SELECT 1, MAX(id) FROM sph_index

    It's for all messages. Also I can not view any message headers. Maybe the problem is nginx related ? I use nginx 1.2.1-2.2+wheezy2 with php-fpm

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    It's worth to check out the docs first, especially the FAQ.

    "Q1: I get the following warning in mysql logs:

    [Warning] Unsafe statement written to the binary log using statement format since BINLOG_FORMAT = STATEMENT. REPLACE# SELECT is unsafe because the order in which rows are retrieved by the SELECT determines which (if any) rows are replaced. This order cannot be predicted and may differ on master and the slave. Statement: REPLACE INTO sph_counter (counter_id, max_doc_id) SELECT 1, MAX(id) FROM sph_index

    A1: Try setting MIXED format for binlog_format in the my.cnf file

    binlog_format = MIXED"

  4. merlin81 reporter

    Sorry for not viewing the FAQ. But the error is not responsible for the problem. I've set binlog_format, restarted all services, same problem. Message and Header detail are not shown.

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I assume you also have the following now:

    mysql> show variables like 'binlog_format'; +---------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +---------------+-------+ | binlog_format | MIXED | +---------------+-------+

    Btw. can you retrieve a message with pilerget? The usage is "pilerget 400000...748474", where this long number is the piler id you can find in the mail logs.

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