Cannot get pilertest work

Issue #334 resolved
Michal Mistina created an issue

Hello Janos.

I've downloaded latest master branch (jsuto-piler-a6ff3bf0985a) and installed it over the piler-0.1.24. Of course I did "make uninstall" on the old piler version. I am trying to match just the simple condition. In the field "To", there engine should match messages sent to domain "", so they will be dropped. It is just the test while the request is for more difficult regex.

So I've created the archiving rule where field To is filled with string "".

I've restarted piler service.

The message contains this in the field To:

To: "'user'"

The result of "pilertest message.eml" is:

locale: en_US.UTF-8
build: 875
post parsing...
message-id: null / 74234e98afe7498fb5daf1f36ac2d78acc339464f950703b8c019892f982b90b
from: * ()*
to: * ()*
reference: **
subject: **
body: **
sent: 0, delivered-date: 0
hdr len: 1394
body digest: 2880f97c256e07f7b7dba321f0b98454409a1e061895269798e9b156a6a085e3
rules check: (null)
retention period: 1624714116
direction: 0
spam: 0
NOT IN mydomains

I guess if the pilertest matches the rule, the "rules check" field of the output is different.

What am I doing wrong?


Comments (16)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hello Michal, I assume you have updated the sql schema as well. I think either

    a) piler user can't read message.eml b) piler user can't create temp files in the current directory

  2. Michal Mistina reporter

    Hello Janos.

    chown piler:piler on the .eml messages solved the issue where I couldn't see correct output from the pilertest. But I couldn't get the message matched the rule where To: field has the string "" inside:

    [root@mailpiler regextests]# pilertest blocked_341.eml 
    locale: en_US.UTF-8
    build: 875
    post parsing...
    message-id: <005401cf91d1$f95d7e00$ec187a00$> / 263ee49b07f75d05d7c03b650957888e3da2b2f9c6108870663c25f224738dfd
    from: *Lolek lolek external net  (*
    to: *admin admin mil sk  ( )*
    reference: **
    subject: *blocked_341*
    body: *This is a multipart message in MIME format - NextPart 000 0055 01CF91E2.BC *
    sent: 1403850923, delivered-date: 0
    hdr len: 1389
    body digest: eb43e9e5d89450dbb01b6c3b8ce57fac04854ac38a2eb364a6ebe3310bd47eaf
    rules check: (null)
    retention period: 1624775843
    direction: 0
    spam: 0

    I remember I've applied the sql schema when I tested previous master branch release. Is there a way to check wether the sql schema is there?

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Show me "grep To: messages.eml" output. Btw. there's no automatic method to check the sql schema other than you, in other words you have to check manually.

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    To: "'user'"

    is not a match for

    To: "'admin'"

    How about putting simply "" to the rule? Note that just for pilertest no need to restart the piler daemon.

  5. Michal Mistina reporter

    I would like to match whole domain

    I added to the rule. 2014-06-27 11_16_27-Archiving rules.png

    [root@mailpiler regextests]# pilertest blocked_341.eml 
    locale: en_US.UTF-8
    build: 875
    post parsing...
    message-id: <005401cf91d1$f95d7e00$ec187a00$> / 263ee49b07f75d05d7c03b650957888e3da2b2f9c6108870663c25f224738dfd
    from: *Lolek lolek external net  (*
    to: *admin admin mil sk  ( )*
    reference: **
    subject: *blocked_341*
    body: *This is a multipart message in MIME format - NextPart 000 0055 01CF91E2.BC *
    sent: 1403850923, delivered-date: 0
    hdr len: 1354
    body digest: d854416075aa625960506e71edff00e8088f30e0d645dd272361a4a6839e9c40
    rules check: (null)
    retention period: 1624785897
    direction: 0
    spam: 0
  6. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Please check that the current archive table schema matches the one you can find in util/db-mysql.sql

  7. Michal Mistina reporter

    You mean archiving_rule table schema? I don't have in the piler database archive table schema:

    mysql> show tables;           
    | Tables_in_piler   |
    | archiving_rule    |
    | attachment        |
    | audit             |
    | autosearch        |
    | counter           |
    | counter_stats     |
    | customer_settings |
    | domain            |
    | domain_user       |
    | email             |
    | email_groups      |
    | folder            |
    | folder_extra      |
    | folder_message    |
    | folder_user       |
    | google            |
    | google_imap       |
    | group             |
    | group_email       |
    | group_user        |
    | import            |
    | ldap              |
    | metadata          |
    | note              |
    | online            |
    | option            |
    | rcpt              |
    | remote            |
    | retention_rule    |
    | search            |
    | sph_counter       |
    | sph_index         |
    | tag               |
    | user              |
    | user_settings     |
    | v_attachment      |
    | v_messages        |
  8. Michal Mistina reporter

    I compared those schemas, but it seems they are identical. database:

    CREATE TABLE `archiving_rule` (
      `id` bigint(20) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      `domain` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
      `from` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
      `to` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
      `subject` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
      `_size` char(2) DEFAULT NULL,
      `size` int(11) DEFAULT '0',
      `attachment_name` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
      `attachment_type` varchar(128) DEFAULT NULL,
      `_attachment_size` char(2) DEFAULT NULL,
      `attachment_size` int(11) DEFAULT '0',
      `spam` tinyint(1) DEFAULT '-1',
      `days` int(11) DEFAULT '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
      UNIQUE KEY `from` (`from`,`to`,`subject`,`_size`,`size`,`attachment_name`,`attachment_type`,`_attachment_size`,`attachment_size`,`spam`)

    ... in master branch util/db-mysql.sql:

    create table `archiving_rule` (
       `id` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment,
       `domain` varchar(128) default null,
       `from` varchar(128) default null,
       `to` varchar(128) default null,
       `subject` varchar(128) default null,
       `_size` char(2) default null,
       `size` int default 0,
       `attachment_name` varchar(128) default null,
       `attachment_type` varchar(128) default null,
       `_attachment_size` char(2) default null,
       `attachment_size` int default 0,
       `spam` tinyint(1) default -1,
       `days` int default 0,
       primary key (`id`),
    ) ENGINE=InnoDB;
  9. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, download the latest master branch, and try it. I think it should work this time.

    Note the "to" line from pilertest output, eg:

    to: admin admin mil sk ( )

    The parser matches this string against the To field in both the archiving and retention rules. So perhaps matching for the user name in the To field is a bit trickier than it seems at first.

  10. Michal Mistina reporter

    You've repaired it :-)

    [root@mailpiler regextests]# pilertest blocked_341.eml 
    locale: en_US.UTF-8
    build: 877
    post parsing...
    message-id: <005401cf91d1$f95d7e00$ec187a00$> / 263ee49b07f75d05d7c03b650957888e3da2b2f9c6108870663c25f224738dfd
    from: *Lolek lolek external net  (*
    to: *admin admin mil sk  ( )*
    reference: **
    subject: *blocked_341*
    body: *This is a multipart message in MIME format - NextPart 000 0055 01CF91E2.BC *
    sent: 1403850923, delivered-date: 0
    hdr len: 1354
    body digest: d854416075aa625960506e71edff00e8088f30e0d645dd272361a4a6839e9c40
    rules check: domain=,from=,,subject=,size>0,,att.type=,att.size>0,spam=-1
    retention period: 1625064115
    direction: 0
    spam: 0

    Thank you, Janos.

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