Searches shows only e-mails from today

Issue #336 resolved
Ulf Krause created an issue

Using piler 0.1.25-rc2, build 871

I'm running now piler for 12 days now, but I can only see the mails from today. The cronjobs are running without a problem.

Having around 5000 E-Mails in total but the main1 index files is only 71kb big

Comments (3)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Try the following:

    $ mysql -h -P 9306

    mysql> select * from main1,dailydelta1,delta1 ;

    then verify that the arrived and sent columns reflect to the 12 days earlier emails. Also search for any cron entry that runs the "indexer --all" command. Using a debian package of sphinxsearch, make sure to check out Q5 in the FAQ.

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