IMAP download from Exchange 2007

Issue #36 resolved
Steven created an issue


I find that the pilerimport -i command is failing to pull email from Exchange 2007. I am using the VMWare image which I downloaded today - 0.1.21. The command results an error. I turned on IMAP protocol logging on Exchange and see this:

A1 AUTHENTICATE PLAIN Y2FsbABjYWxsAEZpcmb29k < A1 BAD Command Argument Error. 12

I think Exchange 2007 might not support the AUTHENTICATE PLAIN command. I sent the CAPABILITY command to IMAP and got this response:


If I telnet to Exchange 2007 IMAP then I can send this command with plain text credentials to log into the mailbox successfully:

1 LOGIN username password

Is it possible to add a parameter to pilerimport to use this plain text login format? A POP3 download option (or a tie-in with getmail) might give more flexibility. Thanks for the great work.

Comments (4)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I switched from the authenticate command to "login". Please download the latest master branch, recompile piler, and let's see whether it can download your emails.

  2. Jorge Severino

    Hi, i test piler 1.22 in Centos 6.3 x64. pilerimport work for postfix POP3 Server but no get any mail from Exchange 2003 POP3.

    found 34 messages error: +OK 1

    in maillog no show INSERT command to DB.

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