Special characters on emails

Issue #364 resolved
Cassio Simões created an issue

I'm having a problem with special characters on emails that goes into database through SMTP, here's an example:

Cara Tulia, acabei me confundindo, achei que seu aparelho n=E3o estava = conosco.

Favor ignorar email anterior.

De qualquer maneira ele j=E1 est=E1 pronto e voc=EA pode vir retira-lo.

Caso pretenda vir hoje, s=F3 me confirme o hor=E1rio para verificarmos a = possibilidade.

"=E3" should be "ã" , "=E1" should be "á", and so on.

Can I set this configuration somewhere?



Comments (8)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Can you attach such an email (if you have a non sensitive with this issue)?

    And please make sure you assign the issue to someone (probably me), otherwise I won't get an email about it.

  2. Cassio Simões reporter

    Strange, I couldn't find no more emails acting like this, maybe it was a one time event.

  3. Cassio Simões reporter

    Ok I found some emails, but they're all from the same day, so it looks like the issue is gone anyway...

    The emails are attached.

  4. Janos SUTO repo owner

    I think these emails are malformed.

    The boundary should be defined in the email header, however eg. 4000000053df85fa3518c0240027f0251052 doesn't have any. 4000000053db48aa24b24f5c00846081a8bd looks ok in my web gui. The huge email however is parsed incorrectly in the gui, that's why you get a raw result in the preview pane. The fix is merged to the master branch.

    If you want to fix it manually, do the following:

    Edit model/search/message.php, and locate the following line:

    $x = preg_replace("/boundary\s{0,}=\s{0,}/i", "boundary=", $x);

    Then add the following two lines before:

    $s1 = explode(";", $x);
    $x = $s1[0];
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