Old Mails Import from Webmail

Issue #372 closed
Venkateswarlu Dadagopu created an issue

Can we Import the old mails which are in Webmail not in Piler.

How can we import old mails from the mail box(Webmail) to Piler database is there any chance that we can pick the data from webmail

Comments (3)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    This is by no means a major nor a bug in the software. I warn you once more last time:

    DO NOT use the issue tracker for any purposes other then reporting a bug in the software. If you don't know what an error message means, it's not a bug. If you don't know how to solve a task, it's not a bug, etc.

    Btw. if piler is indeed such a buggy software as your issues might suggest, then you should really consider picking another product for email archiving.

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