Piler view layout outlook 2010/2013

Issue #373 resolved
Urs Frei created an issue

I see a nice piler view layout with Outlook in your documentation: http://www.mailpiler.org/en/outlook-plugin.html

How can i get it too? I tried with new master branch and your http://demo.mailpiler.org in my outlook2013 but i get the default theme layout with poor view in outlook always.

Comments (13)

  1. Janos SUTO repo owner

    It turns out that outlook uses a different html renderer, other than IE's, that's why it doesn't look the same. On the screenshot I used the mobile theme. You may try it by switching to it on the settings page. Let me know if it looks ok.

  2. Urs Frei reporter

    yes I know the poor outlook html rendering so i tried the mobile theme before too. You are right, the mobile theme on my outlook looks more like yours but i miss some imported things. (with your http://demo.mailpiler.org) - the hole top the line with Search and Icon for the user settings - Restore Message to mailbox - Download all - Bulk restore selected emails so i was thinking it could be a other theme maybe.

    btw. is it possible to call a theme in the url http://piler.yourdomain.com/sso.php?theme=mobile or something? This way i could leave the default theme for the browser and get the mobile for the outlook.

  3. Janos SUTO repo owner

    The demo site is a bit dumbed down, certain features are not available. Try with piler.aaa.fu.acts.hu. It's my development site, you may use the same accounts as with the demo site, and you'll see some more buttons. Though you may need to maximize the outlook window to prevent some 'underflow'.

  4. Urs Frei reporter

    I did it with piler.aaa.fu........ My outlook is as big as possible on my 22'' screen. The buttons are around now but still no top line but together with SSO this isn't bad anyway, it looks very nice integrated in outlook :) the only problem could be the logout for some others.

  5. Janos SUTO repo owner

    Hmm, it's interesting, the gui should auto switch to the mobile theme if it detects a mobile device or MS Outlook. Anyway the mobile theme discards the menu. If you need it then edit view/theme/mobile/templates/common/layout-search.tpl, and remove the if(OUTLOOK == 0) stuff from <div id="menu">. Don't forget the closing <?php } ?> as well.

    If you set the SMARTHOST variable in config-site.php, then you should see some more buttons.

  6. Urs Frei reporter

    Thank you for the solution. I find a other solution for me with theme default: I added the line <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=9" > in view/theme/default/templates/common/layout-search.tpl and get a perfect look with outlook 2010 and 2013 now. Same as with Firefox and IE.

  7. Urs Frei reporter

    Change it to <meta http-equiv="x-ua-compatible" content="IE=edge" > and the placeholders will work too if a newer IE are available. btw. what's the best way to switch off the auto detection of OUTLOOK? I like to be shure that it will never switch to mobile theme. i changed the line (MOBILE_DEVICE == 1 || OUTLOOK == 1) { $config['THEME'] = 'mobile'; } to (MOBILE_DEVICE == 1) { $config['THEME'] = 'mobile'; } in the config.php but i have to think about after all updates.

  8. Janos SUTO repo owner

    OK, I changed 9 -> edge, thanks.

    The best way to get rid of the Outlook hack is to disable it in system/helper/detectmobilebrowser.php. I'm not sure if I should wipe the hack permanently.

  9. Urs Frei reporter

    I don't know if the hack is working well for others, on my site not really stable. Anyway i prefer the default theme in Outlook. So maybe the best could be to give a mobile theme on/off possibility for Outlook in the config-site.php.

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