LDAP Mail Attribute

Issue #379 resolved
Former user created an issue

Downloaded the OVA, extended the var volume and the archiver is taking messages. Having problems logging into the web interface as a domain user. If I set the field $config['LDAP_MAIL_ATTR'] = 'mail'; I get 0 results in the mail.log. If I set the $config['LDAP_MAIL_ATTR'] = 'userPrincipalName' I'm able to login. I have to do an Advanced Search to see anything but I am able to use LDAP to logon. We're authenticating to a Windows 2012R2 Domain Controller. We would sure appreciate any suggestions. Thanks much, JK

Comments (7)

  1. Jim Keating

    This is still an issue as I worked about 3 hours on this yesterday trying to get the LDAP Auth to work correctly. The login only works if I use the "userPrincipalName" in the field called $config['LDAP_MAIL_ATTR'] = The search won't work correctly when you do get logged in. Only the Advanced Search will work. Thanks, JK

  2. Janos SUTO repo owner

    If a teamviewer session is feasible, then contact me on skype (janos.suto), and I'll help you fix the problem.

  3. Jim Keating

    Thanks so much! I've got to leave in 1/2 hour and I'll be out until next Monday. Would next week work? Thank You! JK

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